About Us
Gold Shield Lodge 757 was organized on March 21, 2005 after a collaborative effort by Tom Willdigg, the President of the Nassau County Detectives’ Association and Frank Allaire, Trustee for the Nassau County Detectives’ Association. The original Board consisted of the following; Frank Allaire-President, Nicholas Ewen-1st Vice President, Michael D’Augustinis-2nd Vice President, Michael Fannon-Treasurer, John Conley-Secretary, Ron Marciano- Recording Secretary, Michael Walsh-Sergeant-at-Arms, Robert Howell, Jack Lutz and Wayne McMorrow-Executive Committee, Thomas Willdigg-State Trustee, Dan Urban and Brian Dunker-Delegates, Fr. Joseph D’Angelo-Chaplain, and Anthony Pearl as Legal Counsel.
Membership started with approximately 100 active and retired members of the Detectives’ Association and within a year the number increased to 262. Currently there are 350 active and retired members from NCPD, SCPD, NYPD, NY/NJ PA, MTA, NCFM, NCME, FDNY as well as 28 Associate members.